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[survive more] A certain adventurer (party)'s annihilation report case.1 The magician whose lover and sister were raped by an orc The Motion Anime

survive more
系列作: survive more

Overview: This is a report from an adventurer whose lover-sisters were completely trampled right before his eyes,reporting the circumstances of his party's annihilation. After being spared by the orcs and returning to the guild,the account he gives is horrible... Our protagonist,Leon,is a magician in a certain adventurer party. He was heading out to defeat the orcs with his lover,Agnes,a monk from the same party,and her warrior sister,Noelle. The request should have been simple,but the group finds themselves in a pinch,surrounded by multiple orcs. On the contrary,for some reason,Leon's magic doesn't work,and Noelle,who volunteered to act as a decoy,falls into the hands of the orcs. Agnes,a monk,also struggles to protect Leon,but he is captured by the orcs and is helpless,as the lover-sisters are completely trampled right before his eyes...!!

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