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[survive] The Law of Proxy Impregnation - A boy impregnates his brother's wife according to the rules of the countryside - Motion Comic Edition

系列作: survive

Overview: A hot summer has arrived this year as usual. I was a junior high school student and was looking forward to summer vacation as usual,but this year seemed to be different. In the middle of the summer,my older brother got married and returned to our parents' home with his wife. The wife was my first love. When I was still a child,she lived in the neighborhood and was about 10 years older than me. She was a beautiful woman,but she seems to have become even more mature since moving to the city. I thought I still couldn't forget her,but I never thought she would be happy with my older brother. I felt happy too. A few days after my older brother and his wife returned home,for some reason,my older sister Aya and I were called to the village office.

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