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[survive] Bondage Love ~After school,in the classroom,a defenseless honor student is forcibly raped~ Motion Comic Version Episode 1


Overview: Original comic "Bondage Love - After school,in the classroom,a defenseless honor student is forcibly raped" Beautiful,with excellent grades and good behavior - the honor student is the student council president and daughter of the chairman of the board of directors. The protagonist (Nakaseko Akihiko),who was assigned to the school of this heroine,Yoshigaki Fumino,was always supported by Fumino when he was unfamiliar with the situation. As both of his parents were teachers,he became a teacher himself,and is an easily influenced man. He became a teacher without having any particular aspirations,but he also lacked the courage to rebel. During such days,a certain trouble occurs and Nakaseko impulsively rapes Fumino. All 37 pages of the comic are in motion! While retaining the quality of the original CG,the character voices,sound effects,and background music make it even more practical to deliver♪ ★Black and white version and some color version are included

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