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[survive] Housewife Violation: Torn Wife (Motion Comic Version)


Overview: "You?! Stop it...! Don't look! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I... did this...! Please forgive me! Please forgive me!!" "I" is a humble office worker and his wife "Shizue". The two of them were living a happy life with their son "Tsuyoshi". "Shizue" had always dreamed of opening a coffee shop,and the family was living a life full of hope - until that man,"Fujimoto",showed up. Tormented and trampled on by a nefarious villain,his wife changed day by day. The evidence of her relationship with that man continues to grow on her body... The "No Matter How Hard You Try" cuckold CG collection by the circle "Mokuzo Zabuton" has been reborn as a motion comic by the hands of survive! It doesn't matter if the woman screams,foams at the mouth,or rolls her eyes,the desire of a ravenous beast devours the ripe body of a married woman...! Even if you look away,you can hear the screams,and even if you cover your ears,the image of the married mature woman being raped is burned into your memory...! An overwhelming chain of images with no way to escape. This is the true essence of motion comics...!!

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